Experience a professional massage close to home


You’ll find me massaging in Gilliam and Wasco County in the community and private events. Treat yourself to a massage in an inviting and relaxing atmosphere from my office in Condon. I use myofascial release and active isolated stretching techniques to help relieve chronic pain. I enjoy taking my portable massage chair and table to work with athletes on the go for tours and events! There is no one-size-fits-all thinking in my approach to massage. I tailor the massage and modality to fit your needs and am big on communication between myself and client.

Amanda Hendricks LMT #023360


Amanda’s not-so-direct path to Massage

Amanda grew up in the tight-knit community of Condon, Oregon. Eager to experience something new and BIG but unable to decide where and what she’d do after high school graduation, she made the decision to not make a decision and vowed to choose the next college/military/trade school brochure that came in the mail! This took her to the Linn-Benton Community College Medical Assistant Program and working as a CNA in long term care facilities while attending. After a year of that she came to realize that the only class she enjoyed was a required PE class she chose(scuba diving.) Not wanting to put more money into insurance billing (or deep sea diver) she dropped out of school, became a vegan, and found love which lead her to the Portland metro. After some detours, road trips, and identity crises, her path to massage was being realized. However, as the massage program was wrapping up, being newly married, and spontaneous, her and her husband had a unique opportunity to live in Australia and took it! Career was put on hold when life threw an adorable baby-shaped wrench in their plans of lounging in the sun kid-free, scuba diving the Great Barrier Reef and a few years later, like a boomerang, Amanda and family came back to make a home in small town Oregon. Her philosophy on life can be summed up with a quote from an award winning movie: “You’re gonna need a bigger boat.”—Jaws

“No pressure, no diamonds.” – Thomas Carlyle